Monday, January 28, 2013

Hot new rebate form: Snapple 6-pack rebate (up to $6.99)

There's a new Snapple rebate out --- so be on the look out at your stores.  It's a tear pad sticky form, printed on white paper.  Here are the details...
  • You need the form itself
  • A receipt showing purchase of the item between 1/1/2013 and 3/31/2013
  • UPC off the bottom of your 6-pack purchase
  • NO 3x5 submissions allowed, and only one per household.
The funny thing is that the form is written by someone with a sense of humor... it tongue-in-cheekly tells you to have nice penmanship, franticly search for your receipt, and praises your good job of cutting out the UPC.  Nice!

I found these forms at a Giant Eagle... good luck finding some too!

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